Bhedyata Vulnerability. Penetrability. Permeability. Separability.
We wanted to create a soundscape that reflects the beauty and sadness of isolation. The pull of the void woven into the intensity of space.
Michael created the basic layers of the foundation drone with bowed glass clouds, frozen crotales, and crystal bowls. Bazantar sounds can also be found in there.
We recorded our singing bowl and temple bell into the mix before Kate improvised in the Vocal Room over the foundation soundscape. Whispers initiate a dialogue. They introduce the possibility of communication and the frustration of an unknown language, or perhaps confused intention. Then vocals were added. A vocal softness was important as, to us, though this ‘creature’ is unpredictable in nature it holds a stillness that reflects a deep beauty of being. A melody naturally evolved from the improvised vocals.
We then wanted to introduce the sound of birds’ wings at the start and at the end of the piece. Could they be from this being or from the landing birds who accompany it? The call of a song thrush was detuned over several octaves.
In the recorded piece of film, artist Scott Radke had picked up a little of his own breath. We sampled this and weaved it into the soundscape. The breath of the artist very much an intrinsic part of Bhedyata’s creation. His life breath shared with it’s very own. The two are one. Or are they the sounds of the wings of you, the viewer? The intruder of what was a very still, private moment in time.
To see more sculpture by Scott Radke visit his website.